Meeting 88 news

Wednesday, 12 March 2008 | In Focus

The last Bees United board meeting was held on Thursday, February 28, 2008 and what follows is a non confidential summary of the meeting.  
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The last Bees United board meeting was held on Thursday, February 28, 2008. Below follows a non confidential summary of the meeting.

Present: David Merritt (DM) Chairman; Natasha Judge (NJ); Trevor Inns (TI); Matt Dolman (MD) and Donald Kerr (DK).

Also in attendance: Brian Burgess (BB), Chris Gammon (CG) and Alan Bird (AB).

Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Mark Chapman (MC), David Hawes (DH), Stephen Callen (SC), Paul Stedman (PS), Bruce Powell (BP) and Jon Gosling (JG).

Firstly, a report was received from the Bees United nominees on BFC board.

BFC Performance Report

AB gave a report on BFC performance. He and BFC accountant Bob Lampert have just agreed the January management accounts. Loss for eight months to date totals £516K.

On preliminary figures AB believes that the trading loss for 2008-2009 could be reduced to £410K from £680K this season. Headroom still required in overdraft going into close season though, and this is may have funding implications. Acting CEO David Heath will present a proposal to the BFC board regarding the ongoing executive management of the club. David is also working at securing sponsorships for next season.

Investor Relations

TI updated the board on potential investors whom he felt the Trust might approach in the future, and BB made an additional suggestion.

Trust Finances

SC had circulated financial report. No significant changes from previous month. Comparing mid-January with mid-December, standing orders were up on previous month, but leaving aside one substantial new one, £44 down. Membership numbers down by 3.


CG reported that proposed rule changes had been received by FSA and are awaiting sign-off from them. CG also reported on meeting with insurance broker regarding officers’ liability insurance. They have confirmed that they will make offer of cover, following explanation of corporate structure and board membership. CG to distribute when received.

Membership Administration

MD had circulated revised specification for an online membership administration resource. A further meeting will be held with the developers in early April.

Events and Fundraising

NJ circulated minutes of a fundraising meeting held. Local CAMRA rep keen to discuss potential events and annual beer festival at Griffin Park. 5-a-side tournament is also being investigated – need to co-ordinate with BFC events. TI requested monthly management information showing fundraising against annual target.

Club related stakeholders

DK reported on activity:

DK will represent BU and BFC at local Chamber of Commerce.

DK, David Heath, Lee Doyle and Andre Sawyer are discussing the issue of complimentary ticket schemes and how they can best be run.

DK meeting Hounslow Education Business Partnership.

DK proposes to prepare information pack about the Trust for circulation to local businesses looking for links with such organisations under the auspices of Corporate Social Responsibility programs.
