Buy A Brick Update

Tuesday, 4 March 2008 | In Focus

Bees United is pleased to announce that after many delays the first batch of bricks purchased by fans supporting the Build a Better Future campaign have been erected.  
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Bees United is pleased to announce that after many delays the first batch of bricks purchased by fans supporting the Build a Better Future campaign have been erected.

Bricks have been placed in the Braemar Road forecourt and on New Road and will be on display at this evening’s game. Despite the many delays fans have been very patient and Bees United would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any disappointment or inconvenience that this has caused.

Fundraising Director Natasha Judge said: “We thank the fans who have already purchased bricks for their patience, the process of getting the bricks erected has taken far longer than anticipated. We hope that now some bricks are in place and the wall is starting to take shape, other fans will be encouraged to purchase their own. They make a great present or a lasting memorial to a special person.”

Bricks are still available to purchase and you can obtain a form from the following link (pdf format, will open in a new browser window):

Once again, The Trust extend our thanks for your continued support.
